ContraBlock Evo

Got a problem with blockages? We’ve got the solution! The ContraBlock Evo is the ultimate solids handling system.

Taking XFP pumps one step further

ContraBlock Evo technology can help you effectively tackle the daily challenges posed by:

  • The demands of modern wastewater
  • Tough legislations
  • High energy costs

Choose the pump that sets the benchmark in hydraulic design with unrivalled efficiency and clog resistance.

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Cutting edge design innovations with efficiency and blockage resistance in mind.

Stay clog-free and prevent rag buildup with Pulse-Out slot technology
Unique solids handling with innovative vane geometry
Maintain peak efficiency and clog resistance with adjustable wear plate
Ensure motor longevity with our integrated seal protection system

Making water work with our innovative solutions

Discover our new, innovative product enhancements designed to deliver improved efficiency and enable cost savings in wastewater facilities.

HSTTM 10 turbocompressor

Extending the benefits of HST to smaller applications

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ContraBlock Evo

The ultimate solids handling system

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BlueLinQ Pro controller

Your future connection

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